Payment is required 7 days prior to your event. A 10% non-refundable deposit is required to secure the booking. Cancellation once a contract is agreed will result in a 10% cancellation fee. Cancellation with 30 days or less to go will result in a 50% charge. Cancellation of individual dates due to a lack of ticket sales or another reason will result in a 50% cancellation fee with 30 days or less to go. We do not accept cash payments. If payment is not received then Bespoke Entertainment Group LTD reserves the right to cancel the booking with the fee to be paid in full. Late payment will result in a 10% interest fee for every 7 days the invoice remains unpaid. This will result in an additional 10% with every week the invoice remains unpaid. If you start advertising your event with us before a contract has been agreed then you will still be subject to our cancellation policy if you decide to cancel the event.
Bespoke Entertainment Group LTD requires clients to to tag them in any content on Instagram and Facebook so that Bespoke Entertainment Group LTD can share it to promote the event. Bespoke Entertainment Group LTD does not give permission for any video footage which is longer than 30 seconds to be posted online. The costumes and creative choices are owned by Bespoke Entertainment Group LTD. Bespoke Entertainment Group LTD does not give permission for our script, costumes or image to be used for future events that do not involve Bespoke Entertainment Group LTD.
Actors under the employment of Bespoke Entertainment Group LTD can be used for publicity whilst Bespoke Entertainment Group LTD is under the employment of the client.. Once the contract is complete Bespoke Entertainment Group LTD employees can not be used for advertising of future events if Bespoke Entertainment Group LTD are not employed by the client.
Any professional images, live streams, photos and videos of Bespoke Entertainment Group LTD and its employees taken by the client or individuals contracted by the client must have written consent from Bespoke Entertainment Group LTD and its employees before being used online or anywhere else for advertising as our image is our intellectual property as stated as part of the Equity Union.
When contracting Bespoke Entertainment Group LTD for your event you are engaging us as a company which includes the actors, performer assistants and any staff that work for us. You will be in breach of contract by contacting performers and staff directly for similar alternative work without consulting Bespoke Entertainment Group LTD. We work as an agent and act as thego-between for performers and staff. Performers contracted by Bespoke Entertainment Group LTD will notify us if you contact them directly for alternative work. If you would like to hire a specific actor or staff member then we will offer them the work if they are suitable for the character and the role being offered. This applies when you are working with Bespoke Entertainment Group LTD but also after the contract has ended for any similar service you are offering that includes performing/ assisting and sound.
All employees under the contract of Bespoke Entertainment Group LTD will require a 30 minute lunch break where they are working for 2+ hours or more. Performers will require short comfort breaks in between sessions if needed. Performers wearing costume masks will need hydration breaks in a private area away from the public after 1 hour of wearing the masks for Health and Safety purposes.
All bookings are under the agreement that the performers are self-employed. In the unlikely event that a problem arises between yourself and the performer then you should contact Bespoke Entertainment Group LTD directly via email with your complaint in letterform and we will deal with it appropriately. Please confirm that you have read the booking confirmation and understood the terms and conditions as stated above. Once read and understood this contract is taken as agreement to the above terms and conditions whether you have signed a contract for your event or whether you have started advertising your event with us.
Thank you for your cooperation.